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Southern France
Lynn Deasy is a freelance writer, author, foodie, and garden tinkerer. She lives in a 600 year old house in southern France with her husband, Christophe. Currently, she is looking for a literary agent for her memoir CA VA? STORIES FROM RURAL LIFE IN SOUTHERN FRANCE which examines the oddities of French provincial living from an outsider’s point of view through a series of adventures that provide more than a fair share of frustration, education, admiration, and blisters…. yes, lots and lots of blisters. Lynn blogs every Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I don’t know what spring is like where you are, but here, in the south of France, it’s awesome, particularly this year.  This is the only time of the year when things are green.  Right now, the sun is shining, its 65 degrees (F), and the sky is an amazing blue.  The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and nature is a spectacle to see with its daily changes.  It is the type of weather that calls you to go outside.
I liked springtime in Chicago too, but here it seems more special because it could pass so quickly.  Summer can arrive in a flash and it brings with it its sweltering Mediterranean heat, which makes all that spring greenness fleeting.  This has made me appreciate spring more and look for things that make it significant.  I particularly like this flower; it’s a cyste.  It only grows in the Mediterranean climate and only lasts a short time.  Every spring, someone points one out to me as if it’s a marker for the season and why spring should be enjoyed.  It’s delicate, temporary, and will wilt away when the temperatures start to climb.  Like the cyste, spring could last a little longer, but if you expect it to be there later, you could be wrong, and then you would have missed out on its moment and will have to wait another year to enjoy it.

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