About Me

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Southern France
Lynn Deasy is a freelance writer, author, foodie, and garden tinkerer. She lives in a 600 year old house in southern France with her husband, Christophe. Currently, she is looking for a literary agent for her memoir CA VA? STORIES FROM RURAL LIFE IN SOUTHERN FRANCE which examines the oddities of French provincial living from an outsider’s point of view through a series of adventures that provide more than a fair share of frustration, education, admiration, and blisters…. yes, lots and lots of blisters. Lynn blogs every Monday, Wednesday, and sometimes Friday.

Friday, April 15, 2011

No time like the present

Here I go; I’m going to start, there.  Done.
Does that count as a good first blog entry?
No, I didn’t think so either, so I’ll start again.  I guess an introduction is in order.

If you haven’t noticed from the blog, my name is Lynn Deasy.  I live in southern France and I’m a transplant from Chicago. I’m from a large Irish family and grew up in the suburbs.  There was noise, chaos, laughter, arguments, and all around ruckus in our house - and I wouldn’t change a second of it if I could.  After college, I moved to the city and could not have happier.  One day, I decided to get serious and buy a condo since the list of apartments I had rented was getting pretty long, but fate stepped in and decided differently.    
Now, I live in a village in the Pyrenees Mountains, population 15.  Compared to where I lived, it’s missing something like 6 digits, so life is considerable different.  And that’s what I plan to write about: the differences, the likes, the challenges, and the novelty of it all.  I’ll be here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to share, so I hope to see you visit. 

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